Saturday, August 11, 2012

Joe Gym- and focusing in on the second half of the year

This has been a good year on the bike for me. I have hit PR's in every event I run. There was some solid competition at Masters States this year in the kilo and I managed to drop 7/10ths of a second off my personal record- and that time was from 2 seasons previous- I have made a lot of progress in the last year.
   The juggling act that is my life did not allow me to go to Colorado Springs this year for Masters Track Nationals... It wasn't in the cards. To be honest I was not interested in going and not winning so maybe it is better I didn't go... so now i take all the frustration, all the thoughts of how things could of gone and grind them up in the mill that is my obsessive brain... turning it all in to fuel to finish the season out strong!

joe and i hocked some old bikes on e-bay and started putting together equipment for our gym. I would of loved to have this set up at my house, but my un-sealed garage wasn't working out, so it ended up in Joe's garage in Culver City.
  This gym has allowed a huge amount of progress in a short period of time. Not only is it set up perfectly for the weight program i follow, we avoid the pit-falls of commercial gym douche bag tolerance, and we get to hop on our rollers immediately following out lifting...
both weights and roller workouts have gone up quality wise!
So now with about 6-weeks until my Kilo at Elite Nats, i am really putting the weight on the bar. More updates on the lifts this week.

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