Monday, August 13, 2012

Gym Log: Squat Video @425#

Gym Log 8/13:
I've been back in the gym for about 6 weeks since we dropped weight work for Masters States.
Leading into states i got lazy on the squats and just rep'd out on 4-plates at my gym..
after Joe and i got his Garage Gym set i really started turning the screws on the weight work, and the post lift rollers (more on rollers in another post). Its amazing how much more motivating it is to train at Joes! I dropped my work weight down below 375# for my 3-sets of 5-reps, and began to methodically add weight each lift day (3 times a week). I started out with gains of 5# until i hit 405#, then dropped down to 2.5# increases per day.
It was interesting that on any given day after i hit about 410#, I felt like the current weight was about all i could handle- but i would add weight the next lift day and still manage to hit all my reps. my previous PR for a 5-Rep was probably about 410#, mostly from being lazy, or hitting that weight right before we dropped the lifting pre-competition.
Today i added another 2.5# for a total bar weight of 425#. To be entirely honest i was not feeling amazing today- and suffered through the 2nd and 3rd set- but still managed all 15 reps.

One more week of adding weight- then we go into maintenance mode leading into Elite Nationals... Deadlifts wednesday and another video update..

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